Day Trips

Day 44 – Hotel Congress, Titan Missile Museum and Hacienda Del Sol

On Day 2 of our visit to Tucson, we went downtown to see the Hotel Congress, the last place John Dillinger slept before being caught by police, then a photography exhibit of John Gutmann. Dar and I split up so I could travel south 30 miles to go underground into the Titan Missile Museum while she saw an Ansel Adams exhibit. Then some history – the El Presidio San Augustin del Tucson and finally wine and an appetizer at the Hacienda Del Sol.

Day 44 – Hotel Congress, Titan Missile Museum and Hacienda Del Sol Read More »

Day 34 – Grand Canyon and Williams Arizona

Our second day of a two day road trip to Northern Arizona where we visited the and another portion of Route 66 at . This second day had us exploring the Desert View Watch Tower with brilliant Hopi Indian art, the El Tovar Hotel and Hopi House, the Bright Angel Lodge, Kolb Studio and Hermit Rest, all creations. After a long wonderful day, dinner after sunset was on Route 66 in Williams Arizona at Poncho McGillicuddy’s Mexican restaurant.

Day 34 – Grand Canyon and Williams Arizona Read More »

Day 33 – Meteor Crater and Winslow Arizona

Our first day trip after spending over a month on the road in our RV was to visit the historic , simply because of The Eagles song “Take it Easy”. We simply had to have our picture taken “!” 17 Miles west of Winslow however, was the 50,000 year old and site of NASA training missions for moon exploration and site of filming for one of Rob’s favorite movies Star Man with Jeff Bridges, filmed in 1984. Discovering the famous quite by accident, we left Winslow wondering “why on earth does that town exist anyway?”

Day 33 – Meteor Crater and Winslow Arizona Read More »